Address: AGIR ENSEMBLE, Avenue LUSAKA, Commune de Goma
Date: Le 30/01/2010.
Request for your support for World Cancer Day 2010
Dear Sir(s)/Madam(s)
On behalf of AGIR ENSEMBLE, NGO OF DRC, I would like to ask for your support of World Cancer Day 2010 which takes place on 4th February and is led by the International Union Against Cancer, the leading international NGO which unites 300 member organizations in more than 100 countries including AGIR ENSEMBLE in the global fight against cancer through the implementation of the World Cancer Declaration. By working together our goal is to eliminate cancer as a life-threatening disease for future generations.
This is an ambitious target as globally one in eight deaths are due to cancer. If no action is taken, the worldwide burden is projected to reach 26 million new cancers in the year 2030 and 17 million deaths with the most rapid increases occurring in those countries lease prepared to deal with them.
Approximately 40% of cancers are potentially preventable and the good news is that we now have more knowledge than ever on how to bring cancer under control.
Under the slogan “Cancer can be prevented too”, the 2010 World Cancer Day campaign will focus on how the risk of developing cancers related to tobacco use, heavy alcohol consumption, excessive sun exposure and obesity can be significantly reduced by avoiding these risk factors and encouraging healthy behaviour such as regular exercise and eating healthily.
In this light, we would be very grateful for your support for this year’s campaign. This could be by taking part in a photocall or public event that we are organizing, by signing the World Cancer Declaration (see www.uicc.org), by putting your name to a quote that we use in media materials, or in any other way that you’d like to discuss. Example quotes that could be tailored and attributed to you in World Cancer Day 2010 media materials:
“I know that one third of all cancers can be prevented through simple steps. I am reducing my risk and my family’s risk by not smoking”.
“I know that regular exercise and eating healthily reduces my risk of developing cancer.”
“I know that one third of all cancers can be prevented through simple steps. My young daughter has been vaccinated against HPV”.
We very much hope you will support us and look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
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